Wednesday 18 November 2015

Media Awards

Media Awards

I chose Labrat as being my favourite production because of the effective use of cinematography. This is evident in the close ups and extreme close ups of lab equipment. In addition to this Labrat is my favourite production because of how the monotone editing complements the non diegetic music of the title sequence. Futhermore, Labrat is my favourite production because of its narrative of how a lonely boy ends up creating a formula that could potentially be dangerous in the wrong hands.

The Experiment

The experiment was my second favourite production also because of its effective use of cinematography. This is evident in the way camera movement was used to help us (the audience) identify more with the protagonist running. In addition to this The Experiment is my second favourite production because of its use of editing and how the scenes do not always just cut to the next clip and sometimes fades or jump cuts.

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