What is the BBFC?
The BBFC is an independent, non-governmental body which classifies cinema films. It's a not for profit organisation, it's income is from the fees it charges for its services.
How are films rated?
Films are viewed alone in a single room made to look the average home to give the feeling of the home. A translator is called in if the film is a foreign one.
Issues faced when categorising a film?
Is it harmful to the viewer
Does it challenge the law
Does it portray the dominant idologies
Does it contain Violence
Does it contain Sex
Does it contain Discrimination
Does it contain abusive Language
BBFC Ratings
U:Hardly any mild bad language.
PG: Only Mild bad language allowed.
12/12A: Strong language must be used infrequently.
15:You can use strong language to a certain extent. It may only go beyond a certain extent if it is justified by the context.
18:There are no boundaries on the language that is allowed to be shown.
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight had a controversial age rating because of the constant use of violence which children may not be use to it. Furthermore, the public had brought up the fact that the pencil scene was very aggressive and violent. The jokers character also caused controversy as it refereed to the violence scene in London.
This film was given a 15 rating due to it's frequent use of strong language and comic bloody violence. This is understandable as the genre of the film is a thriller, comedy. The blood is shown in the film but in a funny way to make it comical and not so serious.
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